Safe Sport Requirements for PGA of Canada Members

The PGA of Canada is committed to providing a safe sport environment to our members, staff, and those we provide our services. One that is free of all forms of maltreatment. Through our Safe Sport Policy, we foster respect, fairness, inclusivity, and transparency.

At the February Board of Directors meeting, the Board passed a Safe Sport Screening Policy that will apply to all members, National staff, and the National Board.  

The PGA of Canada understands that screening personnel and members is a vital part of providing a safe sporting environment and aligns with requirements among sport organizations that provide programs and services to the community. As part of our Safe Sport Commitment, the PGA of Canada is responsible, through our duty of care, to do everything reasonable to provide a safe and secure environment for our members and those we serve through our programs, services, and events. This policy is critical to our association to minimize our risk and protect our almost 4,000 members.  

What are the new Safe Sport Screening requirements with the PGA of Canada?

All members will be required to complete the following safe sport screening requirements.

  • Every three (3) years, a police record check with ISB Global Services
  • Safe Sport Training through the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC)
  • Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders through the Respect Group

What is the deadline to complete the new Safe Sport Screening requirements with the PGA of Canada?

These requirements must be met by December 31, 2024, to ensure your membership remains in good standing with the PGA of Canada. Failure to do so will result in suspension of your PGA of Canada membership.

Are there any exceptions?

The ONLY exception that will be granted is to Class “A” Life Professionals who fill out a self-declaration form to indicate they no longer teach golf lessons or work any hours in the golf industry. Breach of this policy by exempt individuals will result in suspension.

What company is the PGA of Canada using to collect this information and complete the police record checks?
The PGA of Canada has selected ISB Global Services (One Badge).