Jonathan Garron

Jonathan Garron
Hampton Golf & Country Club, Hampton, NB
Mobile Phone: (902)-986-3243


I grew up in Truro, Nova Scotia and fell in love with the game at a young age. Was very fortunate to have a father that was a PGA member. I spent many hours around the club, and it did not take me long to realize that this was going to be my career path moving forward.

I became a Class A member with the PGA of Canada in 2011.

During my career I have had the opportunity to work at many fantastic facilities throughout Atlantic Canada. (The Algonquin, Glasgow Hills Golf Club, Miramichi Golf and Country Club, Truro Golf Club, Abercrombie Country Club and Hampton Golf Club.) With all of these stops I have had the privilege to learn and develop from some of the Top Professionals in our region.

The game of golf and the PGA has given so much to me that I made the decision that it was time to give back. Therefore in 2012 I made the decision to run and become a Board Member for the PGA Atlantic. I had been on the PGA Atlantic Board for over 11 years serving in many different capacities: Education, Junior and Tournament Director. I then moved onto the executive and completed 2-year terms as Vice-President, President and Past President. I was Chair for the National Tournament Task Force for the PGA of Canada in 2021. In 2023 I joined the PGA of Canada National Board. Since joining the board, I have been very active, Chairing the National Nominating Committee and joining the Finance Committee.

8 Time Finalist for Club Professional of the Year in Atlantic
2019 Club Professional of the Year in Atlantic
2019 Murray Tucker Award Winner National Club Professional of the Year
2023 Club Professional of the Year in Atlantic

I am dedicated PGA member and want to help the Association continue to grow and move forward in a positive manner for all PGA Professionals.

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