Words from the Education Wing- Upcoming Module Deadline

Words from the Education Wing- Upcoming Module Deadline

The last four months of each year, from September to December, are by far the busiest. Why you might ask? It’s deadline season! First we started with September 30th—the workshop deadline, next was November 30th—the evaluation deadline, and as many of you know the last deadline of this year is December 31st—the module deadline.

Unless given an exemption, all CFM’s (Candidates for Membership) are required to submit at least one module per calendar year. The last blog post that I wrote was a Q&A for the last deadline we had, and I genuinely hope it was useful to any CFM’s out there who had unanswered questions. I thought I’d follow the same pattern and create another helpful “Frequently Asked Questions” blog for the upcoming module deadline, so here it is:

Q: I joined the PGA of Canada this year, in 2014. Does this module deadline apply to me as well?
A: No, as a 2014 Candidate for Membership you do not have anything due this year. You are given the remainder of the year you joined, plus the next full year after that before you have any deadlines to meet. If you joined the PGA of Canada in 2014, you will have two deadlines to meet by 2015—your Instructor of Beginner workshop, and one golf module.

Q: Do I have to complete these modules in any specific order?
A: No, you may complete these modules in any order you like.

Q: I heard that there is a module equivalency process, can I apply for it?

A: The module equivalency process has not yet been released; therefore if you have a 2014 module deadline, you are required to meet it. This process is in the last stages of being finalized, and is expected to be released in 2015. If you feel as though you have a strong background in any of the five module topics and feel as though you meet the requirements, you are more than welcome to apply for it when the time comes.

Q: Does my module have to be evaluated and passed in order for me to meet the deadline?
A: No, as long as you have your module submitted online by December 31st, you will meet the module deadline and your status will not go to “inactive”. They do not need to be evaluated by this deadline.

Q: What happens if I am required to do any re-submits for my module? Will I still meet the deadline?
A: Yes, as long as you have your original copy submitted by December 31st, you will meet your module deadline—whether you have to resubmit anything later on or not.

Q: How do I submit my module?

A: Please be advised that before we launched the new online submission process, it was printed in all module documents that you are to mail your module to the Golf Management Institute of Canada. WE NO LONGER ACCEPT HARD COPIES OF MODULES, SO PLEASE DO NOT MAIL IT. You must upload your module online for evaluation through the members’ side of the website. To upload these documents, follow these steps:
Step 1: Log in using the “Member Login” button at pgaofcanada.com
Step 2: Scroll over the “Message Centre” tab
Step 3: From the drop-down menu, select “My Evaluations”
Step 4: Click the “Start” button beside your module

Q: What if my status recently went to “inactive” for not meeting the November 30th IB/II evaluation deadline? Am I still required to meet the module deadline as well?
A: If your status is still currently inactive for the last evaluation deadline, you must complete your outstanding evaluation requirements before your status can be switched back to “active”. This means that any of your IB/II submissions must take priority over everything else. If you miss the upcoming December 31st module deadline, your module deadline dates will be adjusted in your profile once you submit your outstanding IB/II requirements.

Q: If my status is currently “active”, what happens if I do not meet the upcoming module deadline?

A: In the New Year, your status will be switched to “inactive”. An “inactive” status means that you are not in good standing with the PGA of Canada. With an “inactive” status, you will have no access to our website or any of its resources, and you will not be eligible to attend any of the PGA of Canada’s events or tournaments. There are no fees associated with an inactive status. Once you submit your late module, your status will go immediately back to active.

Q: If my membership is currently “inactive” for not submitting last year’s 2013 module, what do I have to do?
A: You must register, complete and submit your outstanding module by December 31st, or your membership will be terminated and you will have to start over from the very beginning—including the Playing Ability Test. If you still need to register for one, you must contact me at the office in order to do so as soon as possible! If you want to submit it, you must contact me at the office as well and I can give you temporary access to upload it. If you do not think you will be able to get this module complete and don’t want to be terminated, your only other option is to resign from the PGA of Canada.

Please keep in mind that the PGA of Canada National Headquarters will be closed as of December 19th at 4:00 PM (Eastern Time), and we will not be returning until Monday, January 5th. If for any reason you need to get in touch with me, please call me at the office before I leave for the Holidays. I will be available via email over the Holidays, but will have limited access to my email at times and will not be checking it every hour of every day. If it is an urgent matter, please advise me in the “subject” line of your email and I will respond to it as soon as I can!

I wish all of you a safe and happy Holiday! Enjoy your time with family and friends.

Brittany Mullin
519-853-5450 (ext.222)