
Boris Uvakov, PGA Professional
In 1999 I was hired to manage Kaneff Golf which quickly grew to 8 courses at 6 properties.  Successfully completing the PAT and achieving Class “A”  status provided me with a greater degree of credibility among the 25-30 golf professionals/associates/assistants working at our courses.    

Sean Casey, PGA Professional
When I moved here 13 years ago from the Atlantic zone, I didn't know a single member in Ontario. It didn't take long to start building relationships with my fellow members here in Ontario and I quickly realized the value of being a member of the PGA of Canada. I was able to experience first-hand the strong brotherhood that exists amongst our membership. It’s great to be able to pick up the phone and chat with a fellow member and share best practices and ideas that can help us improve and better service our own members and students.

Louis Melanson, PGA Professional
The PGA of Canada has been very influential in helping me build a solid career in golf. I've been a member for 15 years. The education and training were the biggest help for me especially being in a small market, I needed to be well educated on teaching and coaching golf, also the PGA brand gave me solid credentials to attract and retain my clients

John Gaudet, Master Professional
Where would I be today without the PGA of Canada? This needs to be answered with examples of what the PGA represents and what it provides for all of us Professionals.

The PGA of Canada represents 4000 men and women Professionals across this country and provides us with the opportunities and education to succeed at our profession.

The continuing and in-depth education seminars have given me the ability to be a first class Head Professional. (Twice honored with “Club Professional of the Year” award in 2 different Zones.)

Their Teaching and Coaching clinics have provided me with unlimited access to all of golf’s areas of expertise. (Honored with back to back awards as “Teacher of the Year” in my Zone.

The PGA has also provided me with the means of reaching the highest level possible for a Golf Professional, Master Professional status, which I was fortunate to obtain.

None of these areas of success would have been possible without the networking, the accreditation and the training provided by the PGA of Canada.