Alena Sharp Blog: Life on the LPGA Tour
Life on tour is not as glamorous as many people think. I am in my third year on tour and I do not have a private jet or millions of dollars of sponsorship to stay in five star hotels.
I try to drive to as many tournaments as possible. I have actually shipped my car out to the east coast for the last two years since the tournaments are a little closer together. This helps me save some money and also allows me to put way more stuff in my car then I can in my suitcase.
I'm also lucky enough to stay in housing at a handful of tournaments. As I was very fortunate to make friends with most of the wonderful people I stayed with in my first year, they are gracious enough to open their doors when I come back for the same event the following year. I keep in contact with everyone via email.
Tournament weeks are busy. Monday is usually a travel day. If it is a close travel, I will go out and see the sights on Monday. We travel so much and visit so many cities that you can sometimes take it for granted. Tuesday is a usually the official practice round day. This is when I get to see the course, and get a game plan for the days to come. Wednesday is usually the pro-am day. I have been in a handful of pro-ams, but I have mainly been an alternate. This means I am required to be at the golf course for my designated time. This occurs just in case a player gets hurt, sick or doesn't show up to the pro-am. This allows me to get my practice done, but I am not allowed on the course. Thursday to Sunday are play days, time to make some money and compete for a championship.
On the LPGA we have a policy for practice rounds that when you show up to the tee, that is your tee time. I do not have a group or people that I play with regularly, but I always enjoy the times I play with Pat Hurst and Juli Inkster. The experience these ladies share with me is very helpful. They also enjoy makingsome friendly wagers in the practice round. I really enjoy when I get to take money off these two and I try not to let them get in my pocket.
I have enjoyed my three years so far on the LPGA Tour. I am feeling more comfortable on tour this year. I really feel like I belong out here with the best in the world. I make more friends every year. Everyone has their own agendas on tour, so getting to know people is hard, but there are many wonderful women out on tour and I enjoy each girls friendship.
With this being my third year, I also have seen most of the courses we play at least once. Therefore this year I am going to make a pledge to myself to sight see a little more then I have in the past. I really want to take advantage of the great opportunity I have to travel.
We just finished our first wave of events for the 2008 season Hawaii, I went to Pearl Harbor and saw the USS Arizona memorial. It was breathtaking that there are still men in the ship and that oil still leaks from the ship. It was a tragic day for the US. I know I am not a US citizen, but I am thankful for all the men and women from Canada and the US who fight for my freedom in efforts to keep North America safe.
When I was in South Africa I also went on two different safaris. I wanted to see as many animals from South Africa that I could. If you love animals as much as I do you HAVE to do this if you get a chance.
I love playing on the LPGA Tour and the dedication that it requires to play at the top level of women's golf. It's a week long process to get ready for thirty weeks of the year and we are just getting started....
Thanks for reading!!
**Alena currently sits 35th on the LPGA Tour Money List with $27,773 in earnings through 3 evets**
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Jeff Dykeman
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Canadian PGA
(519) 853 5450 ext 232
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Canadian PGA
(519) 853 5450 ext 234