Mike Taylor
Hello, I am Mike Taylor & I appreciate your consideration as part of the nomination process.
About me
• Father to an amazing 8-year-old boy who loves sports.
• Coach and convenor for his hockey and lacrosse teams.
• I have enjoyed a 20+ year career in Human Resources in a variety of sectors including my current role as Director of Human Resources for the Marriott Ottawa Hotel.
Volunteer Experience
• Countless hours leading events and organizations in the Ottawa area including high profile events, coaching my sons hockey teams and convenining a U9 hockey program
Governance and NSO experience
• Ringette Canada – Board Director - Over all a great experience navigating various HR initiatives including Safe Sport, the Trans Inclusion policy rollout, the replacement of the Executive Director, and others. I have also chaired or participated in various committees including HR, Nominations, Audit, Trans Inclusion, and Risk.
• HOPE Ottawa –7 years as Director, Secretary and Board President, Lead the organization through some major strategic changes. HOPE Volleyball SummerFest is a product of HOPE and is responsible for providing millions of dollars to local charities over its history. www.hopehelps.com
Career/Volunteer Highlights
• Collaborated with Board Presidents to ensure board governance was followed
• Stepped in to multiple new industries and transitioned very smoothly
• Lead successful strategic transition of HOPE Ottawa
• Managed multiple Executive Director nomination processes
• Chair of sub-committees including
o Nominations Committee
o Finance and Audit Committee
o Human Resources Committee
o Rist Committee
I am a great guy with a fun personality.